Moving Out

You can use this form to tell us you have moved

You must let us know if you move house to ensure your Council Tax is calculated correctly and our records are up to date.

You can use this form to:

  • Advise us if you are 'Moving within the Borough' - where you are already paying your council tax to us and are moving to another address within our area
  • Advise us if you are 'Moving out of the Borough' - or to another address in the area but will no longer be liable for Council Tax

  • If you are:

  • Moving into the area for the first time; or
  • Already living in the area but will become liable for Council Tax for the first time, for example if you previously lived with parents

  • Please do not proceed with this form and instead complete our Moving In form.

    Freebridge Community Housing Tenants:

    Please be advised that you are currently unable to provide details of your house move online. Please email your tenancy details to and someone will contact you if further information is required. Alternatively, you can call our Council Information Centre on 01553 616200 and supply the details over the phone.

    Privacy Notice

    The Council will use your personal information for the purposes of billing, collecting and recovering Council Tax, Non Domestic Rates and the Business Improvement District Levy. The processing of this information is necessary for the Council to perform a task in the public interest or in order to discharge one of its official functions, as provided by law, in this case the Local Government Finance Acts 1988, 1992 and 2012 and all associated legislation and regulations.

    More information on our Privacy Notice can be found on our website here

    We can only process your information if you are contacting us about a property in our borough, King's Lynn & West Norfolk. If you're unsure whether the address is within our borough, then you can check your postcode on MyNearest.